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iMOVE: Taking transport to the future

iMOVE is a national centre for transport and mobility R&D. We work with our partners to deliver high-impact R&D collaborations that improve the transport systems for people and freight nationally. iMOVE runs the iMOVE Cooperative Research Centre which is funded by the federal government and its government, industry and research partners over 10 years to tackle transport-related challenges in Australia. As a starting point, see our range of projects.

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Transport and smart mobility topics:

Info, projects and resources

Topic articles that help define issues and technologies, and provide an overview of the main points, problems, solutions, resources, facts and figures, and more. Also included are quotations and interviews with experts, and the work that iMOVE is doing, the impact it has, along with an invitation to work with us on new projects in these areas.

Find out more about autonomous and connected vehicles, smart mobility, intelligent transport systems, road safety, active transport, sustainable transportation, traffic congestion, drone transport, smart cities and more.

Transport topics - information projects resources
Active Projects
Completed Projects
PhD Projects
Undergraduate Students